Term of Use

Atlas Amazon, LLC.

Terms Of Use:

Welcome to the ThePronos.com, d/b/a/ Atlas Amazon, LLC., website. Please review the following terms concerning your use of this site. Your use of other products or services from ThePronos.com may be governed by different or additional terms and conditions. Entire contents Copyright., ThePronos.com “All Rights Reserved”. All text, electronic documents, graphics, audio, video, and other content published on this site are protected by United States and International copyright laws. Distribution or publication of any of this site’s content in any form without prior written permission is expressly forbidden. ThePronos.com, provides a collection of online resources, including banner ads, general ads, classified ads, and various messaging services, (referred to hereafter as "the Service") subject to the following Terms of Use ("Terms"). By using the Service or Services in any way, you are agreeing to comply with the Terms. In addition, when using particular ThePronos.com services, you agree to abide by any applicable guidelines for all ThePronos.com services, which may change from time to time. Should you object to any term or condition of the Terms, any guidelines, or any subsequent modifications thereto or become dissatisfied with ThePronos.com in any way, your only recourse is to immediately discontinue the use of ThePronos.com website. ThePronos.com has the right but is not obligated, to strictly enforce the Terms through self-help, community moderation, active investigation, litigation, and prosecution.

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Contents:- You understand that all postings, messages, text, files, images, photos, videos, sounds, or other materials ("Content") posted on, transmitted through, or linked from the Service, are the sole responsibility of the person’s and/or the entity from whom such Content originated. More specifically, you are entirely responsible for each item ("Item") of Content that you post, email, or otherwise make available via the Service. You understand that ThePronos.com does not control, and is not responsible for Content made available through the Service and that by using the Service, you may be exposed to Content that is offensive, indecent, inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise objectionable. Furthermore, the ThePronos.com site and Content available through the Service may contain links to other websites, which are completely independent of ThePronos.com.

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The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003:- CAN SPAM ACT “Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act” establishes requirements for those who send commercial emails, spells out penalties for spammers and companies whose products are advertised in spam if they violate the law, and gives consumers the right to ask mailers to stop spamming them. The above mail is by the Can-Spam Act of 2003: There are no deceptive subject lines and is a manual process through our efforts on the World Wide Web.

Proprietary Rights:- The Service is protected to the maximum extent permitted by copyright laws and international treaties. Content displayed on or through the Service is protected by copyright as a collective work and/or compilation, under copyright laws, and international conventions. Any reproduction, modification, creation of derivative works from or redistribution of the site or the collective work, and/or copying or reproducing the sites or any portion thereof to any other server or location for further reproduction or redistribution is prohibited without the express written consent of ThePronos.com. You further agree not to reproduce, duplicate, or copy Content from the Service without the express written consent of ThePronos.com, and agree to abide by any copyright notices displayed on the Service. You may not decompile or disassemble, reverse engineer or otherwise attempt to discover any source code contained in the Service. Without limiting the foregoing, you agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell, or exploit for any commercial purposes, any aspect of the Service.

Intellectual Property and Trade Marks!

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CHILDREN’S ONLINE PRIVACY PROTECTION! (COPPA):- Protecting the privacy of the very young is especially important. Therefore, we do not collect or maintain information on our website from those we know are under 13 or thirteen. ThePronos.com does not sell products for purchase by children. We sell children's (If Any) products for purchase by adults. If you are under thirteen, you may use ThePronos.com only with the involvement of a parent or guardian. 

Affiliate Disclaimer, (FTC Requirements):- ThePronos.com website owner may receive compensation for recommendations made about the products or services on this website. This compensation may be in the form of money, services, or complimentary products and could exist without any action from a website visitor. Should you purchase a product or service recommended by this website, it is understood that some form of compensation might be made to the website owner. For example, if you click on an affiliate link on this website to purchase of the recommended product or service, the website owner may receive compensation. 

Suggestions:- We suggest when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline. Please read our Privacy Policy and Disclaimer to learn more.

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